Feeling exhausted? Indoor light may be to blame. Because the average human is exposed to more artificial light than sunlight, our bodies are not able to receive the cues we once relied on. These cues include when it is time to wake up and when it is time to go to bed!
Naturally, melatonin should be released a few hours before bedtime, helping us to feel drowsy. But in this day and age staying up later is as simple as the flip of a switch. Reconnecting with the sun cycle allows humans to feel less drowsy during the day and teaches us how to get more energy naturally again.
Natural vs Artificial Lighting

Any interior designer worth their salt will tell you that one of the most important design element in a room to consider is the lighting. Lighting have the ability to transform the feeling of a room and affect the mood of everyone who steps foot in it. Good lighting comes from many sources, including both natural and artificial light. But how do these different types of light affect your energy?
Our bodies are designed to use sunlight as a cue for our circadian rhythm. Whenever possible, make sure you are maximizing the amount of natural light you have pouring into your space. Staying connected will help lift your mood, and help your body know when it’s time to go to sleep
When we fall out of sync with the sun, our body clock physically changes and our melatonin gets all out of whack. If your main exposure to light every day comes from artificial lighting – that is most likely causing you to feel exhausted throughout the day.
LEDs and Sunlight

LED lights are the closest artificial lighting can come to natural sunlight. The right LEDs can mimic the natural sunlight, helping your body clock stay in tune with the sun cycle.
While LED lights are similar to natural sunlight, they can’t fully replace what your body needs. Using LED lighting in combination with natural sunlight is the recipe for success. But, you need to pay attention to the color of light you use. Cool, blue, daylight LEDs are popular due to the clarity and brightness of the light they emit, but this light can also disrupt your body’s ability to produce that much-needed melatonin.
Winding Down

Winding down with the sun is just as important to your sleep cycle as getting natural light during the day – it sends a signal to your brain that it is almost time to go to sleep. Before bed, lower the lighting in your house and avoid the blue light put off by screens to promote winding down and relaxation. During this time, melatonin will begin to be released causing you to begin to get sleepy.
About Us
We strive to provide lighting systems that noticeably improve the safety and wellness of your space. We understand how light effects every aspect of your home and the way you use it, and we love nothing more than the helping you create the perfect ambiance in your home. Let us know how we can help you get started!